About Benjamin.
My name is Benjamin Venes. I am a medium, a healer, an artist a teacher and a creator. I wasn’t always interested in the spiritual side of life. In fact, quite the opposite. I loved sport and worked in media. I strongly considered joining the military and nearly became a firefighter.
When I look back on my life, I often reflect on the moments the spirit world made themselves known. When I was really young, about seven, I would get scared because there was an old short man with a peaked cap that would stand over my bed looking at me.
Years later when returning from a restaurant, I would see him once more, in the back of a family members car. My sister saw him too. When we returned home our house had been robbed and my car stolen. I saw my grandfather standing at the foot of my bed years later, I was having a tough time and he told me I would get through it. Whatever I was going through, at certain periods in my life they would show up. Sometimes as clear as day and other times very subtle. I nearly died once. I didn’t see any tunnel of light. I did feel an almighty power. It was in a car crash. The car was sliding and spinning at high speed and I felt I was about to die. I felt I was about to leave my body. When I felt that power, I remember I yelled I’m sorry. To whom I didn’t know as I didn’t believe in any God or supernatural, let alone the spirit world. The car stopped. Just in front of a power pole. The car had crushed around me.
I had in all truth said I was sorry for wasting the gift of life. Years later I would understand why that choice to stay was important.
The signs were always there. Lights would flash, walls would tap, strange occurrences to guide me along a path I didnt know existed would place me in situations with people, like a brail lined map.
I decided to join a meditation class once, because I had a flyer sitting on a table right in front of me. It was for a class that night. I asked if I should go and the paper fell and floated slowly to the earth.
That history is important because it saved my life. It allowed me to change and become the man and medium I am today. I understand now why that car stopped. Why I don’t only exist in photo’s as an eighteen year old. My journey of spiritual revolution was needed so I could help other people find theirs’.
The spirit world have no voice in this world. I, like many other mediums are needed to be their voice. To create a space, a connection for their love, their reconciliation, their healing and evidence that proves the survival of the soul.
I have appeared on podcasts, been interviewed in national and international magazines and national newspapers. I have toured demonstrating mediumship nationally and worked at the mind body spirit festivals. I have had my own wellness centre and appeared in television documentaries exploring the supernatural.
As a medium my intention is to provide a connection with loved ones. As a Psychic I aim to give insight into your life direction.
As a podcaster I hold conversations around spiritual revolution, awakening, on a personal, cultural and consciousness level.
Art, mediumship and conversation are the tools I use to express my soul in this life and the ways I am gifted to guide others to transform their lives too.